babyvtec was raised in Texas and now resides in Los Angeles, CA.
babyvtec found her niche in accounting, but knows her heart belongs to the arts. She misses the time when she could fill her notebooks with doodles instead of lecture notes and dreams of a future where she can draw, paint, and sculpt in broad day light, during the week. Her background in art derived solely from her love of museums. Exhibitions all over California and New York City continue to stimulate her and she hopes to return to Musée du Louvre in Paris soon.
Despite the fact that most of babyvtec’s drawings reflect a cartoon personality, her sculptures and custom work speak Victorian. She is inspired by the classy yet gothic twist of the Victorian era combined with ornate and Baroque stylings, damask patterns, and even some kitsch décor.
babyvtec’s motto? If ain’t Baroque, fix it!
More Info about babyvtec can be found here: